Sunday, May 24, 2009

16 weeks

Here's my belly at 16 weeks...getting pretty big, eh? I get to go back to see the doctor Thursday, June 4th. I called to ask if I would get to find out the sex of the baby since I would only be 17 1/2 weeks(I didn't want to be disappointed), and the nurse said yes! We can't wait to find out!


gale marsh said...

Lindsay you look so adorable. What a cute dress. That is going to be a great day for sure. Love, Gale

The Follett Family said...

Yeah! I can't wait to hear what it is! !

Elizabeth said...

Cute Cute Cute! I love watching your baby/tummy grow!

The Cochran Fam said...

MOM - you look great!! Can't wait to hear!!

Joy Blocker said...

look at you!!! So cute!!! love the belly!!!

Kristy said...

Can't wait until next Thursday!!!! I'll get my pink and blue shirts ready. . . Which will it be???????? I have my guess, but I don't want to jinx it:)

Jennifer said...

Ahh Linds! You look so dang cute!! Can't wait to find out what happens on June 4th! I voted for a boy and Brett voted that it's a girl. Either way, we are THRILLED to be grandparents!!!!

Love you guys,

Kristin said...

you look great momma linz! ps - cute hair

Erin Drez said...

Hey Lindsay, it's Erin (Gaither) Drez. I ran across your blog and was so excited to see what's going on with you! congrats on the baby. Our daughter is 11 months old today - check out our blog:
Take care.