Here are some prego pics as well as some nursery in progress pictures. Eventually, there will be a chair rail just above the stripes...oh yes, and some adorable bedding that mom is working on. I love how it's coming together! We're trying to get it as finished as possible since a lot of our family will be in town this weekend. We'll see. This big ole belly slows me down a bit :)
Went to the doctor yesterday and he said everything looks great. I asked him if we'de be having anymore sono's (i said it super sweet hoping I might get to see Tanner one more time before his big arrival...I miss seeing that little guy!) but to no avail. Rats! He said we would only do one if he felt the need to...and that we don't want him to "feel the need to". True true.
The stripes are awesome!!! I can't wait to see your belly!
Lindsay you look so happy and Tanner is a very lucky little boy. The nursery looks so cute. I can't wait to see it all done, it is going to be so pretty.
precious, Linz!! I can't wait to see it and you!
I love the walls! I would love to see them in person!!
you are SO adorabe Linz!!! cute momma! love tanner's room! miss lori and you have done so much!! tell her hi!
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