Friday, November 20, 2009

Birth Story

Here's how things went down.
-Checked into the hospital thursday night and started on some medicine to get the uterus ready for the pitocin I would start receiving the next morning.

Huge! I also had two monitors on the front of my tummy.

-Had inconsistent contractions throughout night, woke up around 5am and started pitocin at 6:30.
-Our doula, Laci, came to the hospital and the three of us began using our strategies to deal with the pain of the contractions. I was able to get out of bed and use an exercise ball. Those five hours were very special because my husband was very involved. That time was what I had hoped my labor experience would be like, so I'm very thankful for those memories.
-Broke my water around noon because I was at a stopping point with my dilation. OUCH! NO MAAM! EPIDURAL PLEASE! The actual breaking of the water was not the painful part, it was the weight of Tanner pressing down where before there was a nice little cushion. Epidural Angel man came quickly and hooked me up. Ahhhh. Much better.
-I slept a little while and then around 3:30 the dr said I was fully dilated and ready to start pushing! I pushed for 2 hours...

My hub, of course, was an amazing encourager the entire day.

-Dr said he had a few major concerns about Tanner's journey into the world, highly recommended c-section. Agreed-let's go!

Hot hub in scrubs!

yes please! I'm dying to see my baby!
-Everything went great in the OR. I was very annoyed with having the shakes from the meds and major dry mouth. Staff members kept coming over me with their little masks introducing themselves but I just kinda grunted back at them. My thought process was...these relationships I'm building will more than likely only be for 1 let's just get on with the operation people.
-About 30 minutes later...AT LAST! TANNER!

Dad meeting Tanner

Momma meeting Tanner (this picture was being very stubborn and wouldn't turn! sorry!)

Dad putting on Tanner's first diaper

-Went to recovery

Our new family


Kristy said...

So Awesome! You guys are ROCK STARS and Tanner is little twinkly rock baby!

Kristin said...

tears are literally falling down my face.... what a sweet sweet story. you ALL (that's all three of you!) look and did amazing. thanks for sharing details!!! can't wait for more!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU

Shawn & Courtney said...

LOVE IT! Well done!!!

Unknown said...

He's beautiful Lindsay! So excited for you guys! You're going to love these next weeks! It is so much fun being a mommy! I constantly try to cherish each day and remember how small he is! They're going to grow up so fast! Once they get older we should meet up for play dates or maybe a walk! Have fun with your sweet boy!

gale marsh said...

What a sweet love story. This is so good how you put it all together. He is so cute and sweet. Take care and hope things are going good for you. Keep warm.

Anonymous said...

Linz! Congratulations!! What a precious story! I hope all 3 of you are doing well and enjoying each moment with little Tanner! :)mel